
A set of number games for the Gnome Desktop.


Gnumbers is a number puzzle application that is written for the Gnome desktop. The aim of this project is to write a game application that can be used for playing a variety of different games. The first game written is the popular Sudoku. It is then intended to write various Sudoku variants and then other types of number puzzle games.

Once the application is developed to a sufficient level it will be nice to set up a Gnumbers community where puzzles can be submitted for "the Puzzle of the Day" which will be automatically loaded through the Gnumbers interface.

Of course, at the moment that is all vapourware until it can all be developed. If it sounds interesting and you would like to contribute then please contact us through the sourceforge page.


There is no official release yet. Please check back soon. (Of course, you can alwasy check out the code from CVS if you want to take a look but be warned - things are changing in big ways and the code might be broken).


Updated: 2006-01-02 Logo